Do you prefer a standard holiday or a REAL holiday?

very soon, we should open Antico Borgo Brunelli to the public.

For me, this is an important date after months of hard work, and frankly, I am looking forward to hosting the first people who will choose to spend a REAL holiday.

Throughout my life I have travelled, both for work and for pleasure. I also had the opportunity to stay in large hotel chains. In Paris and Barcelona I stayed in the same chain of hotels.

You should know that these hotel chains tend to standardise your stay. Their brand requires a hotel in Barcelona to give you the same experience even if you are in Paris or Rome: same interior, same rooms, same breakfast, same treatment.

In short, at the end of my stay in a European capital, I felt like I hadn’t even moved from one capital to another. I know, you might think I’m exaggerating, but for me the hospitality of the facility that welcomes me on my holiday is stamped in my head.

Basically, the big hotel chains give you the chance to experience a stay without surprises. You are practically sure that you will find everything in another city and this gives you security. This standard, paid dearly by the way, will become the standard for your holidays.

A bit sad, isn’t it?

But how do you think a large hotel chain can transfer the culture of the place into its own structure?

He cannot do that.

Sure, there are a few chains where an attempt has been made to represent local colour, but this is all just a façade with a dubious result.

Trading the freedom to spend a real holiday, perhaps with one’s family, for standardisation is not for me.

There is a famous sentence I want to quote from 𝕞𝕒𝕖𝕤𝕥𝕣𝕠 𝕆𝕠𝕘𝕨𝕒𝕪:

“Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery but today is a gift, that is why it is called the present.”

I like to imagine TOMORROW as a mystery that has to happen and who knows what surprises it will hold for me.

Let me know what you think by writing to me at this address:

